Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Fun Math Blog

I found a great math blog for teachers and parent. This math blog has quite a few uses and ideas. I really like the story problems related to literacy. I believe that whenever teachers integrate other subjects into a specific subject, students make more connections and learn more. The resources the author uses and gives are also great tools. By following links throughout the resources, I’ve found plenty of creative, useful ideas that I plan on using when I begin teaching.

I believe that teachers who might not have a background in mathematics can benefit from the blog as well. Most of the ideas/posts that I read had legitimate mathematical concepts behind them. While they’re not all constructivist, as I would like, they could still be useful for students and teachers.

The blogger, Denise, is a mother who home schools her children. So this blog is also useful for home schoolers. While she doesn’t have a degree in education, she has done her homework, so to say, as to great mathematics tools. My sister plans to homeschool her children, so she’s always looking for ways to become connected with other mothers and help her children connect with peers. I know that this website will give her useful ideas, that might spark her own creative ideas for teaching her children.

One item in Denise’s blog that I really enjoy is Alexandria Jones. She has multiple stories about this fictional character that have math problem solving problems in them. Students must listen to the story and try to figure out the answer before Alexandria Jones does. These stories remind me of the Sir Cumference stories that are wonderfully rich with mathematical concepts. I can see myself using her Alexandria Jones stories, and perhaps coming up with a few myself.

Overall, this blog is useful for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers. Using my background knowledge of math, I assessed the content and found it reasonable. I plan on using this blog as a resource in the future.

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